产品特性:精密 | 品牌:celesco | 型号:PT9420-0200-131-1140 |
传感器类型:位置传感器 | 输出类型:信号 | 线性度:1% |
线性范围:100mm | 致动器类型:4 | 系列:PT9420 |
电源电压:220V | 工作温度:30℃ | 电阻值:20Ohms |
电阻容差:1% | 安装类型:rail | 最小包装数:1 |
上海含灵机械设备有限公司供应销售美国celesco拉线传感器PT9420-0200-131-1140, celesco现已归于美国TE 公司
Celesco 转角位置与倾角位置
Celesco 推杆位移传感器
Celesco 拉绳位移传感器
Celesco 速度加位移传感器
量程:Full Stroke Range Options 0-75 to 0-550 inches (on this data sheet)
输出信号:Output Signal Options 4...20 mA (2-wire) and 0...20 mA (3-wire)
精度:Accuracy ± 0.12%,full stroke Repeatability ± 0.05%
full stroke Resolution essentially infinite Measuring Cable Options stainless steel or thermoplastic Enclosure
Material powder-painted aluminum or 303 stainless steel
Sensor plastic-hybrid precision potentiometer Potentiometer Cycle Life ≥ 250,000 Max. Retraction Acceleration see ordering information Max. Velocity see ordering information
Weight, Aluminum Enclosure 8 lbs. max. Weight, Stainless Steel Enclosure 16 lbs, max.
ELECTRICAL Input Voltage see ordering information Input Current 20 mA max.
Maximum Loop Resistance (Load) (loop supply voltage – 8)/0.020
Circuit Protection 38 mA max. Impedance 100M ohms @ 100 VDC, min.
Output Signal, Zero Adjust up to 50% of full stroke range Output Signal, Span Adjust to 50% of factory set span ENVIRONMENTAL Enclosure NEMA 4/4X/6,
防护等级IP 67/68 Hazardous Area Certification see ordering information
使用温度:Operating Temperature -40° to 200°F (-40° to 90°C)
Vibration up to 10 g to 2000 Hz maximum Thermal Effects, Zero 0.01% f.s./°F,max.
Thermal Effects, Span 0.01%/°F, max.
Emission / Immunity EN50081-2 / EN50082-2